Migraine Headaches  

Migraine or migraine headaches causes needless suffering to approximately 28 million Americans, of those more than 4 million suffer a migraine more than once a month.

One-fifth of migraine sufferers are candidates for medicine, yet fewer than one million get migraine prevention treatment.

Why? Most primary care physicians don't understand natural migraine treatment.

A recent seminar survey showed that 45 percent of family physicians did not properly diagnose migraines.  

The physical events leading to migraine headaches are not completely clear.

However, the current theory is that a migraine headache results from stimulation
of nerves and dilation of blood vessels - both within the brain and in the dura, the membrane covering the brain.

In response to certain triggers of migraines, the following cascade of events occurs:  

blue   Changes in blood flow in electrical activity affect cranial nerves.

blue   Stimulation of trigeminal nerve causes the release of chemicals, including
      serotonin, at nerve endings.

blue   Imbalance of chemicals causes painful dilation of blood vessels and release
       of fluid.

blue   Surrounding tissues become inflamed and irritated.

blue   The trigeminal nerve transmits pain signals to higher brain centers.

Migraine headaches are simply a result of an inflammatory response in the brain to the presence of food sensitivities.  

Dr. U. C. Beneman writes in his book "Basics of Food Allergy" that nearly 60% of the adult population has hidden or delayed food allergies.  

These are now known as "non-IgE" reactions in the medical literature and can be determined by a food allergy test.  

A few years ago a study showed that 85% of migraine sufferers experienced migraine relief after eliminating specific foods.

Migraine headaches are often caused or triggered by delayed food allergies or sensitivities.

A few years ago a study showed that 85% of migraine sufferers experienced migraine relief after eliminating specific foods.  

Migraines can be traced to an overactive nervous system some research suggests, while others believe that migraines involve an overactive immune response to food.

Migraine headaches occur in people with a hyperactive immune system which is a result of excessive stimulation caused by food sensitivity. 

We are talking about the body's serious reaction to delayed food sensitivities.

The words food intolerance and food allergies are alternative terminology to describe this phenomenon.

Some people believe that in addition to foods, stress or muscle tension trigger migraines. Others believe that sensory triggers like light, smells or motion bring
on the migraine headaches.

Of course, to some the weather brings on a migraine and to others it's a Chinese restaurant syndrome (MSG).

Whatever you believe, a cause of migraine headaches still boils down to an overactive immune system burdened by the patient's delayed food sensitivities.

The underlying cause of migraines can be determined by a test like the Biomeridian MSA Professional which is offered by our office.

If our migraine treatment concept makes sense to you then you should consider having Dr. Hardy perform this test for you.

Treatment is simple - identify the reactive foods and change your diet.

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